Mission Statement

Because God loves us

We follow Jesus diligently – By receiving God’s salvation through Jesus Christ, we are born anew into God’s kingdom. We seek to walk in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ and to be equipped to serve God and others. Each one of us shall learn more of what it means to follow Jesus. We call each person in our congregation to be accountable in a small group and to discern and exercise spiritual gifts. We seek to teach the Word of God in a way that challenges us to our Anabaptist heritage of following Jesus in our daily lives.

We worship God passionately – We worship God together with hearts full of praise, thanksgiving, and prayer. We eagerly receive the Word of God through Christ-centered, Spirit- filled teaching and preaching. We call all people to believe in Jesus, to worship God, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and to grow in obedience. We will emphasize inter-generational worship and continue to develop effective leaders to direct us in worship.

We proclaim the good news enthusiastically – We share the good news of Jesus by building relationships, by sharing Christ with the people in our lives, and by supporting missions. We commit ourselves to a Christ-centered, life-giving ministry of welcome, witness and hospitality. We care and pray for each other in both joy and sorrow. We serve others in both material and spiritual ways, inviting others in our “communities”. (home, neighborhood, work, circle of friends) to saving faith in Christ.

Service Times

  • Worship Service: 9:15am
  • Sunday School: 10:30am